Workshop Overview
welcome to empress season! this workshop is a deep dive into the full moon/lammas sound ritual i wrote for the 2020 many moons lunar planner and is presented in partnership with hauswitch.
as witches we work with all sorts of mediums, from herbs to colors to celestial bodies, to weave our spells. when used with intention, sound can also be a powerful medium for magic, evoking deep unconscious energies and transporting us to other worlds and beyond.
when lammas (aug 1) rolls around on the wheel of the year we are in the lushest gardens, eating the ripest berries, and all walks of life are relaxing. this is empress season, a time of pleasure and plenty, and everyone is invited to receive.
in this workshop we’ll work with sound magic, using reflective listening to open up to the energies of summer and use field recording techniques create a sound talisman that will evoke the energy of summer even in the deepest nights of winter.
workshop includes a workbook with a beginner’s guide to field recording and a listening meditation to continue developing your sound magic.
many moons 2020 lunar planner by modern women